Abstract Selection and Notification
The NPAA Conference Committee will meet to select abstracts and to finalize the conference program the third week of the month. For each podium abstract accepted, the Committee will assign the time and date of presentation on the conference schedule.
If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by email on or around May 15, 2025, with details of your presentation date and time. This notice will be sent to the contact person for each abstract and to the presenting author of each podium session. If the abstract has more than one author, the contact person is asked to share the information with the other author(s). (See section on “Information after Abstracts Are Selected” below for more details about procedures following the selection process.)
Conference Registration
The podium presenter will receive one half-off complimentary registration for the conference (for one presenter only). If the primary author cannot attend the conference and has made arrangements for someone else to present, notification of a substitute presenter must be made by August 1, 2025.
Selection Criteria (Preference will be given to NPAA members)
Abstracts should reflect or include:
- Presentations highlighting pharmacological interventions
- Practice problem, purposes/aims, disease process/background
- Assessment, current treatment including pharmacological treatment and advances
- Outcomes achieved/documented, and patient evaluation
- How technology has and will impact practice
- Conclusions, emphasizing implications for clinical or educational practices
Areas of specific interest
- Acute Care/Emergency Medicine
- Cardiology
- Pediatrics
- Mental Health
- Endocrinology
- Dermatology
- Pharmacology
- Legislative
- Legal/Best Practices
- Neonatal Practice
Information After Abstracts Are Selected:
Podium: In general, each abstract in a podium session is allotted 50 minutes for presentation, with 5 minutes for audience questions. Presentations will occur in the order they appear in the program.
Each contact person will be notified about the Program Committee’s decision on the acceptance of an abstract. Each author is asked to accept the invitation to present by responding to the email invitation within 10 days. We request that you treat this commitment with the utmost importance. If an emergency arises and you cannot fulfill your commitment, notify the conference chair immediately at vpcommunity@npalliancealabama.ortg.
D’Ann Somerall, VP Community Affairs NPAA