Register Now NPAA Virtual CE Event 9.21.2024 North Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association Conference 9.20-21.2024 Register Now Bay Area Nurse Practitioner Association Conference 9.25-27.2024 Register Now NPAA Virtual CE Event 10.19.2024 Register Now 18th Annual NPAA Conference 11.8-9.2024 |
Bylaw Review The Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama (NPAA) is the professional organization that represents our State’s advanced practice nurses and students enrolled in nurse practitioner programs. NPAA seeks to improve access to safe, high-quality, cost-effective health care for the people of Alabama. Nurse Practitioners are Advanced Practice Providers who deliver health care services in rural and urban settings such as hospitals, clinics, and urgent care sites. NPAA serves as an advocate for the people of Alabama by supporting the vital role of Nurse Practitioners in our healthcare system. As an NPAA member, we are asking you to review the proposed bylaw changes. The bylaw changes will be posted till September 1, 2024. In September, an electronic ballot will be sent to all members in good standing to vote on the proposed changes.
2024 NPAA Officer Nomination |
Serving as a leader in NPAA offers great opportunities to build professional networks with other nursing professionals and support the legislative process. Take an opportunity to get involved! Feel free to nominate yourself or another NPAA member. The NPAA Nominating Committee has opened its 2024 Call for Nominations for the following offices who will serve during 2024-2026 term: · VP for Community Affairs: Shall coordinate any events, including the annual meeting (in coordination with the President). The VP for Community Affairs will chair the Annual Conference Committee and may take on special tasks as designated by the President. · VP for Policy: Shall be familiar with and represent NPAA on all matters related to NP policy matters. The VP for Policy serves as the Parliamentarian, chairs the Legislative Committee, and may take on special tasks as designated by the President. · Treasurer: Shall maintain records of accounts, including all bank deposits and disbursements. The Treasurer shall be co-signer of all bank accounts with the President and President-elect; is responsible for preparing an annual budget to be approved by the Executive Committee and serves as the chair of the Finance Committee. Note: All financial records will be audited prior to the treasurer taking office. · Two (2) Student Members-at-Large shall serve on the Steering Committee for a one (1) year term. Student Members-at-Large will be elected annually. Nominations End September 15, 2024 |
NPAA CE Events Attending continuing education (CE) events is crucial for staying abreast of the latest developments in our field and honing our professional skills. These events offer invaluable opportunities to expand our knowledge, network with peers, and gain insights from experts. By participating in the NPAA Virtual CE events, we not only enhance our expertise but also contribute to the advancement of our profession. Let's embrace these learning opportunities wholeheartedly to stay current, grow professionally, and ultimately, deliver the highest quality of care to those we serve. |
Message from the VP of Policy
Lisa Pair, VP of Policy | Here is the latest reminders related to our purpose: Optimizing access to care for the citizens of AL with NPs. Upcoming Annual Conference: The NPAA team is in full swing preparing for our yearly gathering. We are excited to announce that, just like last year, we will have videographers on-site to capture brief 1–2-minute clips featuring practicing NPs. We are calling on all attendees who are eager to be a part of this initiative to join us in this endeavor. It is a fantastic chance to represent our profession, and we encourage you to dress professionally and share your insights on camera. Things to share: · Your name and type of NP · The type of practice where you work: outpatient ob/gyn, outpatient primary care, urgent care, inpatient where? · City or town where you practice · The type of patients you serve (how many patients you see/week or year) · Share a patient experience where you were effective in their life. · We appreciate your support for practicing NPs. We serve because we care. Fostering legislative connections remains a top priority for us, and we are committed to cultivating our relationships with lawmakers. If your local representative is a health committee member, please contact me and together we can raise the profile of Nurse Practitioners and advocate for our essential role in healthcare and patient access. To streamline our advocacy efforts, we are using VoterVOICE exclusively for legislative actions. Ensure your NPAA profile has your correct cell phone number to receive timely updates during sessions. With just one click on the red “TAKE ACTION” button, you can access pre-drafted emails or phone scripts for communication with legislators. |
PO Box 695, Decatur, AL 35602 PO Box 695, Decatur, AL 35602 |
© 2020 Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama. All Rights Reserved. |